Raminder Bhatti
1 min readOct 12, 2020


Astrology Today : Moon, our mind and emotions, planet of the day is in its own zodiac sign of Cancer


A day of extreme- – you would be highly sensitive, attached, emotional and delicate in your affairs, relations and work.

You will have strong expressions and will not tolerate any nonsense around you

Both Saturn and Ketu are aspecting Moon, therefore you should control your feelings and emotions, you may be vulnerable, with mood swings especially with women from biological point of view. Take extra precautions of your neck, face and skin

Colour of the Day:-White

Tip of the Day: Meditate and move away from bias and negativity



Raminder Bhatti

Policy and Management consultant, Ex-Punjab Govt, Reliance Industries Ltd, Thomson Reuters, Solentum BV, Holland, hobbyist astrologer, Golfer & cyclist 🚴‍♀️